TWAN is an independent organisation and does not have any branches. It operates from its main registered office and the overall management responsibility belongs to the Board of Directors those who are elected at the annual general meeting and currently 10 Board of directors are serving the organisation and they include
1. Mr P Chandradas
2. Mr P Vickneswaramoorthy
3. Mr R Rajanavanathan
4. Mrs T Janaka
5. Mr S Muthucumarasamy
6. Mrs K Senathirajah
7. Mrs T Thayaparan
8. Mr K Kesavan
9. Mr T Kamalraj
10. Ms J Paramsothy
The service users are encouraged to become members of the organisation and the potential members then take part in the management of the organisation at various levels and make contribution to various activities. The board will meet on a monthly basis to monitor the organisation’s progress and to take necessary decisions to run this organisation effectively.
The Executive Director will be responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the board in running the organisation on a day to day basis.